Wake Up Smit

This is my Blog, I'll write what I think, what I like to share with everyone. I do not claim to be the originator of all collections here. I get these through, email, books, movies amongst other sources; makin it difficult to always give credit to the Author. It is just my attempt to liven up LIFE which is in any case too serious. There is no discrimination - racial or otherwise involved. If you see something you do not like, please feel free to move on!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

RUDY - To make dream reality

Happy Diwali and prosperous new year to all of you. On this ocpicious day, I would like to tell you a story of a guy who had done something what we all want to do. We all try to do it.

"Having dreams is what makes life tolerable."

Life is all about dreams. Watching Dream. Achieving Dream. and most important, Feeling that we and our loved one get when we achieve it. Many times we are desprate to do a perticular task. or want to achieve something. But do we actually do that much hard work for it. Do we give our 100 % to complete the task? and what if your 100 % is not enough to achieve?

When we are young, studying in 2nd or 3rd standard, enjoying childhood.. We all dream about being cricketer, film star, pilot or any other fancy jobs. but do we work hard for next 15 years to be that? Do we put our whole life on risk to achieve that dream? NO. and then we say, I was not brillient or I didn't had family support or I screwed because of politics or any other excuse.

But there was one guy, who came across all odds, He defeted all problems, He won the power, He achieve what no one can achieve. His name is RUDY. I am talking about guy called  Daniel Eugene "Rudy" Ruettiger 

Rudy was born in small normal family. He is having less then average hight, average weight no extra style or skill in his life. but he has dream. Dream to play in Football team of University of Notre Dame. He want to do anything for this damn thing. First issue was he didn't even get admission in College, Due to his less grades he can't get admitted in College or University. and his family was not having money to teach him.

So, He started working in mill and saved money for his higher education. He decided that one day he surely gets into that team. only one guy, in whole world, pete, his best buddy believes in him. On Rudy's birthday, Pete gifted him Jacket of Notre Dame. Pete says "You will surely do that one day". After that, There is fire in mill and pete can't survive in that.

On the funeral of Pete, Rudy decided to complete his dream. But it was not at all easy. He is not having skill for playing football, not good grades or not even money to be there. So when he decide to go there. It was really tough time to be there.. He gets admission some how in college, but if he gets good GPA, only then n then he can move forward to University, and then he might might might get chance to be selected in Team of Football.

He tried his best to get good GPA, He worked damn hard in classes. He also done part time job at college ground to be there, to feel that emotions. and after hard work and dedication of one year. His application to get admission in university is REJECTED. He again start working for whole year. His application rejected again. this happen for 3 year.

Finally in his last try, he had given everything and this time he got selected in Univeristy. He got admission in University and his practice started. He was not best athlate. not even in Top 60 out of 95 athlates in that field. but his willing to be there is more then any one else on ground. He gives his 100% on ground, everyday he got hit, injured, get blood, his body was online, he can be dead anyday and at same time he knows he never will be in the team. Then also he worked real hard for this.

4 more years passed, He never got selected for team. He never had chance to be on ground, walk in through that era. His despression was increased like hell.. He had done whatever a mankind can do to achieve it. but he can't get there. because he is having nither talent nor skills but he is having one thing, That is hope and hardwork.

Now there was one last game, before they all graduated from University and Rudy never ever had chance to be on team again. For last game, team was declared and he was not there. He was upset and tensed. But that time all players went to coach's room one by one and offer their position to rudy for last game. So after this he got chance to be at that place, and when he entered on that ground, his family, friends, all were there to see his success. He had done it. which we always think IMPOSSIBLE.

This is true story. you can check it with movie RUDY or his books

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