Wake Up Smit

This is my Blog, I'll write what I think, what I like to share with everyone. I do not claim to be the originator of all collections here. I get these through, email, books, movies amongst other sources; makin it difficult to always give credit to the Author. It is just my attempt to liven up LIFE which is in any case too serious. There is no discrimination - racial or otherwise involved. If you see something you do not like, please feel free to move on!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hard work v/s destiny

            Last Weekend, I watched two beautiful movies, Pursuit of happyness and Serendipity, first one was about courage, confidence and self-belief, where later was about destiny and co-incidences.  

            First let’s talk about Pursuit of Happyness. A movie with very nice story, great acting and superb screen play. I must admit, I love my daddy more then ever before after watching this movie, It really shows love and attachment of father to his son. Also passion and patience of that guy towards his work. It was all about dedication, hard work, smart work, give your best whatever condition you are.

            Most important thing movie shows is sense of trust between father and son. Struggles Chris do for better life of his son Christopher. After his wife left him for financial crisis, Chris have to take care of his son as single parent and without job. He tried his best efforts to make Christopher happy. He work as intern in one stock broker company. Where he work harder and smarter. As he can’t effort home, he spend a night also in bathroom of railway station, and a tear comes out of his eyes… But he get worth of his hard work. He got job in same company and in future he owned his own company in stock broker…

            This is real story and guy has retired in 2006 as billionaire. This story is not about being billionaire. It’s about pursuing happiness, about enjoying feeling of be what you are, do what you can do best. It’s not about luck or destiny. It’s all about what you feel about yourself, your friends, your family…..

            Now talking about other movie, Serendipity , it’s all about destiny, luck, phantom, love, romance, passion, thrill. This is all about how you meet your soulmate, how you believe in destiny and omens.  And as name suggests serendipity means a fortunate accident.

jonathan search for beautiful mysterious girl, whom he met while charismas shopping few years back. They met via accident (a fortunate accident) while shopping and try to meet again. Now to story start to meet this other person again and it goes on with very beautiful events and which make you feel from inside about joy of luck, destiny and phantom.

One of best romantic movie I ever seen, it’s all about feeling other person. Memories and crazyness of a person about his love, his life and most about person he thinks is his soulmate, true love..

Now, go and watch those movies and enjoy life….


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