Wake Up Smit

This is my Blog, I'll write what I think, what I like to share with everyone. I do not claim to be the originator of all collections here. I get these through, email, books, movies amongst other sources; makin it difficult to always give credit to the Author. It is just my attempt to liven up LIFE which is in any case too serious. There is no discrimination - racial or otherwise involved. If you see something you do not like, please feel free to move on!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Success is word people always want to achieve. Success is not only word. It is passion, it is life, it is god, it is everything. Success is not a thing as we go to some place and buy it.

            Success is thing one get after devoted hardwork with some luck. For someone success is to just get pass in all papers and for other person success means to get minimum 92% marks. Success is all relevant to person or class. It is not all about only me. It’s about how the people around me are. When you are studying in engineering college, most of people around you are either engineers or going to be engineer so that is not amusing you but when you go out in world you are meeting people like lawyers and doctors and then you feel you are different and you always have to be..

            Being successful doesn’t mean be on the top. Someone say he is successful even he is an ordinary clerk in bank and someone think he is failure even if he is C.E.O. of same bank. It all depends on your attitude and your thinking. Success is mainly what you feel for your self, not other feel for you.
            Talking about success, Let’s first define word success. I think it is a level to measure how happy you are. Being successful doesn’t mean you are best in business. Being successful means always try to go one step ahead from what you are and reach to that point and enjoy that success and then again try to reach for next level. Then again reach there with hardwork and then again enjoy that success take a small break. Again start work with full passion try to go to next level.

            Success can’t measure by money, properties, cars, bikes, family, degrees. But it all depend on what you think about yourself. Just enjoy what you have and try to reach next level.

            Success means when you feel like heaven. You feel that “YES THIS IS IT.” When you think. Oh yes i have done it. It is when you feel happy when you feel excited, when you feel nervous, When you smile and cry both together. Success is when you want to say “OK That’s it. I have done work really hard and getting rewarded by this”. Success is when you are on your peak. Success is when everything around you is beautiful and you think life was never like that before. Success is...

            Now big question is how can we achieve this success. What one should do to achieve this.. Let’s see formula to be successful. Formula to be best in life. Formula to enjoy life...

            Hardwork: There is no shortcut for success. You cant go sleep and when you are wakeup you are successful. It can’t be possible. Things are possible only and only if you work hard. So never let your self down. Always try to do hard and smart work. Doing hard work doesn’t mean physically but mentally hard work.
            Never compare yourself : Most important thing to be successful is never ever compare yourself to other. Because you both are different entity. You both have different paths and different goals. It is insult of your self to compare it with other.
Set Goals:  You should set goals and try to achieve that step by step. Don’t set goals that you can’t achieve. Be optimistic but try hard to achieve all the goals. Set small goals that you can achieve and then go for next level.
            Patients : To have patient is one of toughest part to being successful. When after doing lot of work you didn’t get success. It really feels very frustrated. At that time temper went high and then person can’t see what’s right or wrong.Then it’s not about what you are saying it’s all about I am right. Do it on my way and that’s one of biggest things against success.
            Be positive:  Try to see positive aspects of different things. Learn to get more and more good things from all incident. Try to work as hard as you are doing.

            Accept your limitations:  No one is perfect in this world but one who can understand what he is best in then he can get success in life. Just accept what you can’t do and try to do what you are good at. Even in what you are good at it you can’t reach to that level. Even if you work day and night then also you can’t be as rich as bill gates. But if you create a software that is more perfect and more better then any other Microsoft software then it is more successful things.
            Role Model: Now this is tricky thing as we decide to compare yourself with other is unfair to yourself but to believe in someone’s thinking is very good thing. If a civil engineer having rahul dravid as his role model then he is not going to play like him but he want same concentration and dedication towards his work as much dravid has while he is batting.

            Believe in your thinking:  As I said It’s all about what you think,  you feel and believe in that. Don’t do something only because your friend or your parents or your wife is doing. Only do the things which you love, which you want to do, which you care, which you enjoy.

            Love failure: Those who are never failure they cant be successful. If you will not loose you can’t gonna know what is success. When you will fail you will know what is success is and your passion and emotion will go high after that.

            At end of day, things which matter you most is what you think for you, what your family members and friends are thinking about you. What you have today? Success is more important but most important thing about success is way to success. Path is more beautiful then destination. When we are seating for movie or reading book then we always know that hero will merry heroine in the end. But then also we watch it, we read it because that path is so much beautiful.
            Love people around you, Enjoy everybit of life, Enjoy good bad and worst moments of your life because this is your path and there is no destination. The destination of your success is you never achieve that and when you achieve it at same point you will set next goal for your self.
            Success is all about trying to put your idea, your logic, your thinking in other people’s mind. Success is all about success..
