Wake Up Smit

This is my Blog, I'll write what I think, what I like to share with everyone. I do not claim to be the originator of all collections here. I get these through, email, books, movies amongst other sources; makin it difficult to always give credit to the Author. It is just my attempt to liven up LIFE which is in any case too serious. There is no discrimination - racial or otherwise involved. If you see something you do not like, please feel free to move on!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Motorcycle Diaries

There are few decisions in life, which decide not only your faith and future, but also have very deep impact on future generation. There are few things that change thinking of generation and even more. He was also on verge of such a decision.

There was a boy called 'ernesto', studying in his final semester of medicine and suppose to be doctor in year. But then he decided to see world around him. Decided to take a break from study and see America. He decided to roam in America on bike with his friend 'alberto' and then......

Then it was the Story that every child dream of.. Story that every youth want to be part of... Story that every older person share with younger generation to share his knowledge and pride.. Story of discovering america.. Story of discovering Humanity... Story to believe what a human being can do if he take will to do that..

In January 1952, Alberto and Ernesto started their journey on their bike "The Mighty One". They started from Argentina and decided to trip around whole america, to see how people are living, what they do for life and everything? When they started they were not pretty sure how it goes...but when journey is completed Ernesto had wrote in his diary..

"This isn't a tale of heroic feats. It's about two lives running parallel for while, with common aspirations and similar dreams. was our view too narrow, too biased, too hasty? Were our conclusions too rigid? May be.. Wandering around our America has changed me more then I thought, I am not me anymore,   At least I am not the same me I was. "

Well, I am not talking about their journey, because I can't explain it here.. It needs to be feel.. It needs to imagine.. One of best movies I have ever seen.

We all know ernesto as "Ernesto "Che" Guevara" ,  who is symbol of  Rebelness and  Transition. After this journey, He felt about his contrymen, about their rights, and way they need to understand world. Che went on to fight for his ideals in the Congo and Bolivia where he was captured., and murdered in October 1967.
He is symbol of youth now. There are tons of stories, about what he has done, how he bring rebel and everything. But Point of concern is why he become like this, How he get all feelings.. These all is only because of This journey..

These awsome moments..  Go watch movie or grab a book.. I am sure you will never regret it.. 


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